Off The Record...
Black ‘n’ Blue
The Demos Remastered Anthology 1 Somewhere between the hard rock thunder of
KISS, the glam poppiness of Sweet and the arena bravado of Dave-era
Van Halen,
Black ‘n’ Blue were severely underrated back in the day and are nearly forgotten
here in the post Y2K. A collection of rare demos rounded out by a live track
comprises this release. The CD begins with the band's two earliest recordings,
tracked in Portland in 1981, before the band migrated to Hollywood. The double
shot is two tunes that appeared on their debut, "Chains Around Heaven" and "I'm
The King." If your looking for big power riffs, songs full of hooky chorus, and
to reminisce in the 80's glam metal then this is your ticket.
At The Movies...
See Spot Run
A FBI drug-sniffing dog placed in the witness protection program is accidentally
adopted by a postal worker (David Arquette) in suburban New Jersey. The two get
along great until two hitmen track down the dog, targeted for assassination.
This is a kid’s movie, complete with plenty of Home Alone style stunts and gags.
The result will play terrifically with an all-ages crowd. Warner Bros. will
likely see Spot run for a good stretch in theaters before taking a healthy bite
out of the video market. A sequel would seem to be a done deal.
On DVD...
If Lucy Fell
Two New York City roommates, nearing their thirtieth birthdays, recall a death
pact they entered into during college, if they didn’t find love by 30, they
would jump together from the Brooklyn Bridge. Their last efforts to find love
are packed with peril. If Lucy Fell has all the attributes of romantic comedy,
including absolute predictability. The surprise is that it also provides a
mostly-enjoyable journey to its ultimate destination. Quirking and charming, If
Lucy Fell is right on the mark.
The Buzz...
The remake of the 1960s spy spoof series Get Smart is gaining personnel.
John Whitesell may direct the Warner Bros. comedy with Robert Simonds
and Village Roadshow producing.
The next few episodes of The X-Files will deal with Agent Mulder’s
ultimate fate, series creator Chris Carter says.
Pix from the upcoming Children of the Living Dead and House of 1,000
Corpses have hit the web. Check them out at UpcomingHorrorFilms.com .
Look for Haunted Castle to appear on Imax 3-D with a PG rating. Castle is
Belgian computer animator Ben Stassen's film about a rising teen rock star (Jasper
Steverlinck) who inherits a ghost-filled castle from his legendary rock diva
mother. Harry Shearer plays Mephisto.
The live action Tick TV series won’t be showing up this spring. Fox
reportedly said the show will be held for as a summer replacement or a fall
Look for Tomb Raider promotions at Taco Bell, on Land Rovers and on Pepsi
and Ericsson products as part of a movie promotional deal signed by Paramount.
It looks like the developing Punisher movie will be much more faithful to
the original Marvel comic character than the ill-fated Dolph Lungren 1990
starring version was. In the next Punisher movie he is going to have a skull on
his shirt.
Warner Bros. says Coca Cola will be its sole promotional partner for the
Harry Potter film.
Liv Tyler, who plays Arwen in the upcoming Lord of the Rings film is
engaged to Royston Langdon, frontman-guitarist for Spacehog, a
British rock band.
Cheap Trick will kick off a Japanese tour on March 29th in support of
their new double live album Silver. You can still catch them if you can on March
6th in Minneapolis, MN at First Avenue.
U.S. District Court Judge Marilyn Patel today (march 2nd) is holding a hearing
that will help decide how she modifies the RIAA injunction that could shut down Napster.
Metallica won't be looking for a new bassist until April, when they will
begin working on their next album.
Stone Temple Pilots' singer Scott Weiland and guitarist Dean
DeLeo will be special musical guests on a remix of The Wallflowers'
"Letters From the Wasteland" from their most recent album, Breach.
Collective Soul will kick off a tour to support it's latest album,
Blender, on March 29th in Tucson, AZ.
Machine Head are working on a new web only video that will feature
footage from five shows from the European Year Of The Dragon Tour and some
select U.S. dates.
Foo Fighters leader Dave Grohl, along with Melissa Etheridge,
won Gibson Guitar Awards for Best Rock Guitarist in Los Angeles on February
20th. |